As you can see in the video, Intel have now finally released their Xe card to the public wich is their first discrete graphics card in over 20 years, the card is called Eiffel 6500 and based on the ArticSound architecture.
Hot specs include:
4096 eu’s
4 tiles
400w TDP
The card scores 520 bungo coins in BungholioMarks 3.0 wich is absolutly destroying Nvidias RTX 2080 Ti Super wich only got 330 bungo coins.
The card is fully modular wich means you can upgrade VRAM and GPU without changing the entire card. Wich is good for both your wallet and the envoriment.
Futuremore can you change the card to run in CPU mode (little switch on top) wich allows you to use the card as a motherboard and you will have a 4096 core processor and 32Gb RAM for just a fraction of the price of AMDs Ryzen Threadripper.
If intel have based the Eiffel 6500 name of a old POP band is still unclear…