Got a modded Voodoo5 5500 card from Osckhar where he have added the protoype rev: 320 VSA100 chips and 128mb memory. The amount of VRAM can be changed to a size of 16/32/64/128mb using jumpers. Not too mutch to say, other than i ofcourse made a backplate for it and added some heatsinks!
Big thanks to Osckhar!
Voodoo5 5500 mod 128mb rev 320 VSA100 chips backplate and custom heatsinkVoodoo5 5500 mod 128mb rev 320 VSA100 chips backplate and custom heatsinkVoodoo5 5500 mod 128mb rev 320 VSA100 chips backplate and custom heatsinkVoodoo5 5500 mod 128mb rev 320 VSA100 chips backplate and custom heatsinkVoodoo5 5500 mod 128mb rev 320 VSA100 chips backplate and custom heatsink